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Saturday 23 April 2011

..lorong harapan...

jika tuhan ingin..
maka akan terjadi...
jika tuhan ingin aku menjadi...
aku yang baru...
maka aku akan jadi,
aku yang baru...

tapi aku juga ingin...
ingin tahu...
jadi apa aku nanti...
jadi orang sukses?
atau jadi orang biasa saja...

aku tahu apa yang kumau...
aku tahu apa yang ku bisa...
aku hanya bisa berusaha...
aku hanya bisa berdoa..
aku hanya bisa berharap..

aku berharap...
bahwa kau....
akan selalu disampingku....
aku percaya padamu...

"kita hanya bisa berharap berdoa dan berusaha....
tuhan lah yang akan mewujudkan hal itu...
percayalah pada dirimu bahwa kau bisa....
bahwa kau mampu..." itulah yang selalu ku ucapkan pada diriku sendri...

dedicated to my self....
keep confident...and keep faith.. :)

Sunday 17 April 2011

...WHEN I SAW...

I thougt I’m the poorest girl…
But when I saw…
When I felt…
Felt their sorrow…

I don’t’t know how…
I don’t know why…
Now I know that they’re exist…
They’re around me…
Surrounding me with they’re feeling…

I thought I’m the happiest girl ever..
But when I saw…
When I realize…
Hoe happy they’re…

I don’t know how….
I don’t know why…
I’m jealous on them…

But not anymore…
Now I don’t care…
I don’t care about them anymore..
Cause I’m who I’m..
Doesn’t matter about them…
My life still goes on…

Friday 15 April 2011

...tears for my beloved little brother...

God I know ….
I always know …
That You always within me ….
Beside me …
Take care of me …
God You’re my Lord ...
My only Lord ...
Help me ...
Find me away ...
I beg You ...
Please, help my brother ...
He’s my precious ...
I love him ...
Forgive me ...
Forgive every wrong that I made...
Help him....
Heal him ...
I just simply want to see his smile ...
His healthy smile ...
God please help me ...

Dedicated for my precious little brother, Cahyo. I always love you, I’ll always take care of you and beside you
From your one and only sister

Tuesday 5 April 2011

tokio hotel-zoom into me

Is there anybody out there walking alone?
Is there anybody out there, out in the cold?
One heartbeat lost in the crowd

Is there anybody shouting what no one can hear?
Is there anybody drowning pulled down by their fear?
I feel you, don't look away

Zoom into me, zoom into me
I know you're scared when you can't breathe
I will be there, zoom into me

Is there anybody laughing to kill the pain?
Is there anybody screaming the silence away?
Just open your jaded eyes

Zoom into me, zoom into me
I know you're scared when you can't breathe
I will be there, zoom into me
Come closer and closer

When you can't breathe
I will be there, zoom into me

Zoom into me, zoom into me
When the world cuts your soul into pieces
And you start to bleed

When you can't breathe
I will be there, zoom into me