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Friday, 30 October 2009

bad day...

This day is bad day....

you know what?

biasanya aku suka sekolah,tapi hari ini temen2 Q so childish
they b acted just like baby...
itu memuakkan...
sebenci2nya aku pd saat SMP,but that's much more better...

they're much more understood my feel...

Saturday, 24 October 2009

If I have choice

If I have choice I won't to be here.I hate my life.more then anything.and worst no body understand me!

Tuesday, 6 October 2009


walaupun agak telat,tp akhirnya kebaca jg altough yg no3 dlu tp gpp jg....

kisah indah yg membwt q ingn mmbcanya berXX....

walaupun bukan dari spesies yang sama....